Community Focus
On referral into the Aspire Supported Living system our Tenancy Team will begin the whole process.
They will complete an initial pre-tenancy assessment and then using their knowledge of our properties and other citizens within them, determine an appropriate home offer proposal to be made. This though is only a part of their role, and along with completing the viewing and property handover stages, they also work to enforce the tenancy rules for the benefit of all involved.
We are of course here to support and assist our tenants, but as with all areas of society there will on occasions be a need to step in and take a more robust approach to certain behaviours. Although we work hard to match personalities and behaviours within a property there will on a small number of occasions be situations where relationships may break down, anti-social behaviour may arise, illegal activities occuring or local neighborhood disturbance may be an issue. In these instances our tenancy team will step in to manage, control and eliminate the issue.

Of course however if this is not successful and the impact on other citizens or neighbors is considerable then we may as a last resort have to consider removal of a citizen from the system as a whole.
In any instances of this nature the tenancy team would always work closely with the support and property teams to establish a best practice approach. Then whatever the approach, we would always strive for it to be in the best interest of all involved. As an organisation we would also of course liaise closely with any other involved agency or authority.
The tenancy team are also responsible for the collection of weekly service charges and any supplementary fees that may have been accured, such as malicious damage charges or tenant works requests.