Referral Process

The overall Aspire Supported Living process has been created to ensure a swift yet accurate and detailed progression of referred citizens into the system.

The initial stage is receipt of a completed Referral Form, providing the basic information to enable the tenancy team to confirm eligibility to the system. This is then confirmed and further details gathered during the TPAS or Tenancy Pre-Assessment Session.

Once all information has been gathered the Tenancy, Support and Property teams will meet to determine a suitable housing solution for the citizen. This will then be advised to them via a HOP or Home Offer Proposal, and then if acceptable a Viewing will be completed.

After final confirmation of acceptance by the citizen and their referring agency they will be invited to attend our office to complete TSUP or Tenancy Sign Up. At this stage the SPEC or Support Plan Engagement Confirmation will be established and agreed.

Once these stages are done then its on to the PHOS or as we know it Property Handover Session, initial support session or I-TED and then onto our regular support process.

In terms of the length of our Referral Process, this really can be very swift. Where all documentation, from Referral onwards, and supporting evidence (such as benefits statements etc) are received in good time, the whole process can on occasions be as short as 1 week.